Whether graphic elements, logos, photos or complete print-ready graphic files, below you will find information on how to format and prepare your artwork files for us to print. Once your files are ready, use our online file transfer site to securely send your files to us.
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Up to CC (Creative Cloud)
Adobe Illustrator
Up to CC 2018
Vector art only
Must be exported to Adobe PDF or flat TIF
Must be exported to Adobe PDF
• Recommended file format: LZW-compressed TIF files.
• Build at actual size, as single image. We will divide into panels.
• For Fabric murals please add 1” all sides for finishing.
• Do not add crop or registration marks.
• Image PPI (DPI) should be between 75 and 150.
• Send as CMYK or RGB format (CMYK recommended).
• If building within a template file, turn off visibility of template layer or remove before sending final file.
– Embed images AND send linked files.
– Convert fonts to paths or send all font files used.
– “PDF Compatible File” must be checked.
If particular spot colors are required, please provide Pantone colors. Colors are matched as closely as possible within the limitations of our digital printers.
• Files MUST be vector format for shape-cut graphics.
• Recommended file format: AI, EPS or PDF
• Avoid font sizes below 48pt at full size.
• Convert fonts to paths or send all font files used.
• Paths should be closed, filled with no stroke.
• Send as CMYK or RGB format (both accepted).
• Raster Effects (drop shadow, glow, etc) can not
be reproduced in cut vinyl.
• Gradients, blends and patterns can not be
reproduced in cut vinyl.
If particular spot colors are required, please provide Pantone colors. Colors are matched as closely as possible within the available colors of vinyl.
Email – art@tradegroup.com
Call us at 214.343.2000
Ron Perovich x270 rperovich@tradegroup.com
Kimberly Briones x275 kbriones@tradegroup.com